Study on Motion States and Handling Methods for Projectile Motion in the Bore 对弹丸膛内运动状态及其处理方法的讨论
The motion of a freely falling body discussed in Chapter 4 is a special case of projectile motion. 在第四章中所讨论的自由落体运动是抛体运动的特殊情况。
The paper researches into the orbit equation of the projectile motion and the projectile crosswise deviation when the earth rotates. 针对经典力学中忽略地球自转来处理抛体运动的问题,考虑地球自转的影响,建立了抛体运动的动力学方程。
The curve of gain coefficient changing with the field is similar to horizontal projectile motion curve. 其随场变化曲线类似于平抛运动曲线。
What are you examining parabolic arcs and classic projectile motion? 你是在检验经典抛物运动和抛物线么?
This paper investigates the projectile motion of the jet flow in open air which is regarded as the two phase flow of water gas mixture under the action of gravity and resistance force of air. 研究了空中水舌视为水气两相流在重力和空气阻力作用下的抛射运动。
Study of the projectile motion by sing photographic method 照相法研究抛射体运动
Study on projectile motion touching the bore wall 弹丸贴膛运动的研究
A Study on Projectile Motion in Aftereffect Period of Propellant Gas 弹丸在后效期内运动的研究
A study on projectile motion in bore 弹丸在膛内运动的研究
The general pattern of projectile motion in the bore 弹丸在膛内的一般运动规律
Analysis of Projectile Motion in Bore 弹丸膛内运动分析
Research on the Influence of the Rotation of the Earth upon the Projectile Motion 地球自转对抛体运动影响的研究
Apply Divergent Thinking on Solving Problem of Projectile Motion 最大射程与最佳抛射角关系新探&发散思维在解决抛体运动问题中的运用
The model predicts the transient variations of gun chamber pressure, projectile motion and the decomposition rate of propellant. 模型可以预测发射过程中药室内压力、弹丸运动及工质的分解速率的瞬时变化。
Analysis of projectile motion in consideration of self-rotation of the earth 考虑地球自转时对抛体运动的分析
A study on a unified differential equation of the projectile motion 统一形式的弹丸运动微分方程及其讨论
The paper researches into the orbit equation of the projectile motion and the projectile crosswise deviation when the earth rotates. It also reveals the influence of the rotation of the earth upon the projectile motion. 本文通过研究地球自转时抛体运动的轨道方程和抛体的横向偏离等,揭示了地球自转对抛体运动的影响。
Application of deleting uncertain actors to projectile motion of particle system 消不定因素法在质点群抛射运动中的应用
On the influence of the propellant gas pressure to the projectile motion in aftereffect period 后效期火药气体压力对弹丸运动的影响
Projectile Motion Properties of Cycloid trajectories 抛体作摆线轨道运动的特性
Applying matlab, in this paper the number research and analysis have been made in the aspect that the air resistance coefficient and the object mass affect the projectile motion. 用Matlab从阻力系数和物体质量对斜抛运动的轨迹和最大射程抛射角影响方面进行数值研究和分析。
Study for Teaching Auxiliary Software in Horizontal Projectile Motion 平抛运动教学辅助软件的设计
Predicting and Filtering Algorithm for Projectile Motion Tracking in Closed-loop Fire Control System 闭环校射中雷达跟踪弹迹的滤波和预测方法
Projectile motion path length and initial projectile angle 抛射体运动的飞行路径与抛射角的关系
Influence of Resistance to Projectile Throw Discussing Once More about the Law of Range on Projectile Motion 阻力对抛射体运动射程的影响对抛体运动射程规律的再讨论
Analyzing projectile motion parameters of bore is an important basis for weapons design to improve it, and the speed of information extraction has particular significance. 弹丸膛内运动参数是武器设计和改进的重要依据,其中弹丸速度的提取有着尤其重要的意义。
Clear a parametric representation of the movement stable range, clarifying the structure parameters on the Terminal Sensitive Projectile motion stability effects. 明确以参数化方式表示的运动稳定区间,阐明各结构参量对双翼末敏弹运动稳定性的影响规律。
The terminal guided projectile in bore stress situation is extremely complex, mainly depends on the terminal guided projectile relative to the bore and ground location, artillery and terminal guided projectile motion and powder characteristics. 末制导炮弹在膛内的受力情况极其复杂,主要取决于末制导炮弹相对于炮膛和地面的位置、火炮和末制导炮弹的运动情况和火药特性等。